Generation & Demand
Grid forecasts
System imbalance
Features & Predictions
Upcoming ESO trades
and more...
You can be certain that our data is always up-to-date, properly collected and timestamped.
We generate real-time features and predictions to enhance your ML models and trading decision-making.
You'll have programmatic access to all real-time and historical power data, shipped in a unified user-friendly format.
You can get a quick overview of all the available data, plot or download it as as CSV.
We have one unified format for all our data feeds.
We fix or flag all quirks in the data.
We have redundancy systems to not lose any data.
We monitor our systems 24/7.
We put actual timestamps of when the data was consumed.
We keep all history without overwriting data.
We build our own features and predictions.
This data is unique.